IMAGES & OEM No's for Reference Only
- Life Fitness Alternator without Flywheel 0017-00009-0841, 0017000090841, another product in our life fitness spare parts program,
- Alternator without Flywheel Life Fitness 0017-00009-0841 fits Precor 40747-801Stairmaster, Star Trac 800-3122
- These alternators have varying brush types fitted, contact sales department if you are changinf brushes, we can help you try and identify which alternator you have. Externally this alternator will fit any previous model fitted on the machines listed. Flywheel not includes, this needs changing.
- Used on
- Life Fitness Alternator without Flywheel 0017-00009-0841 fits Precor 40747-801 no flywheel. Stairmaster, Star Trac 800-3122
- Precor 5500(RE), Serial# 519922-520221 & 521821-528139
- star Trac Ref 800-3122, star trac 8003983, star trac 800-3983
- 5500, GK19-00017-XXXX
- 5500, GK19-00020-XXXX
- 5500, Seria# 50000-519921
- 5500, Serial# 100000-UP
- 5500, Serial# 301-310, 400001-406405
- 5500, Serial# 406406-406501, 409132-414908
- 5500, Serial# 414918-419995
- 5500, Serial# 420151-424959
- 5500, Serial# 427515-UP
- 5500, Serial# 535787-535796 & 535897-535911
- 5500, Serial# 634409-UP
- 6500, Serial# 401-425, 716510-718106
- 6500HR, Serial# 475-499, 820000-821999
- 6500HR, Serial# 824405-824504, 827638-831838
- 6500HR, Serial# 837457-UP
- 6500HR, Serial# HBI820000 - UP
- 6500N, Serial# 450-474, 718107-727066
- 8500, Serial# 100000-100213
- 8500, Serial# 478000-481092
- 8500, Serial# CBH100000 - UP
- 8500, Serial# CTK100000-UP
- 8500HR, Serial# 100214-UP
- 8500R, Serial# CEH100001-UP
- 90C, Serial# CCH100000 - Up
- 90C, Serial# LCA100001-Up
- 90CW, Serial# CCI100000 - Up
- 90R, Serial# CCJ100000 - Up
- 90R, Serial# LRA100001-Up
- 90RW, Serial# CCK100000 - Up
- 9100 Rear Drive, Serial# 100000-101219 & 101252-UP
- 9100 Rear Drive, Serial# CTJ100000-UP
- 9100, GK19-00019-xxxx
- 9100, GK19-00024-xxxx
- 9100, Serial# 472000-UP
- 9100, Serial# 810000-811946
- 9100, Serial# 811947-811996 & 812757-UP
- 9100, Serial# 81570-815713 & 815789-815809
- 9100, Serial# 815709-UP
- 9100, Serial# CBI100000-UP
- 9100, Serial# CEG100001-UP
- 9100MP, Serial# 100000
- 93C, Serial# CCL100000 - Up
- 93Ci, Serial# LCB100001-Up
- 93CW, Serial# CCM100000 - Up
- 93R, Serial# CCN100000 - Up
- 93R, Serial# LRB100001-Up
- 93RW, Serial# CCO100000 - Up
- 9500 Rear Drive, Serial# CTG100000-103197
- 9500 Rear Drive, Serial# CTG103198-UP
- 9500 Rear Drive, Serial# CTH100000-UP
- 9500, GK19-18
- 9500, LC95MP-0XXX-10
- 9500, LC95RMP-0100-29
- 9500, Serial# 101-141 & 450000-465515
- 9500, Serial# 150043-150563
- 9500, Serial# 170001-173850
- 9500, Serial# 177851-178631
- 9500, Serial# 178677-178726 & 178771-187771
- 9500, Serial# 187772-189999
- 9500, Serial# 190000-199207
- 9500, Serial# 199208-202685
- 9500, Serial# 202686-212728
- 9500, Serial# 212727-221732
- 9500, Serial# 225199-CBB234053
- 9500, Serial# 451000-475000 & 149744-164439
- 9500, Serial# 463901-483950
- 9500, Serial# 468441-470319
- 9500, Serial# 483000-490681
- 9500, Serial# 490733-495552
- 9500, Serial# 491802-491811
- 9500, Serial# 495556-624273
- 9500, Serial# 624330-CUP637028
- 9500, Serial# 638144-UP & CEA640141-CEA651877
- 9500, Serial# 652102-653228 & CEA652082-CEA662762
- 9500, Serial# CBB234488-CBB241105
- 9500, Serial# CEA663686-CEA669884
- 9500, Serial# CEF100001-UP
- 9500, Serial# LC9500XXL extra tall
- 9500HR, LC95-0xxx-10, Serial# CBB225614 - CBB234053
- 9500HR, LC95-0xxx-11, Serial# CBB234174 - CBB240927
- 9500HR, Serial# 100000-112236, CBJ100064
- 95Ce, Serial# CCQ100000 - Up
- 95Ce, Serial# LCE100001-UP
- 95CEZ, Serial# CZE100000 - Up
- 95Ci, Serial# CCP100000 - Up
- 95Ci, Serial# CEM100000 - Up
- 95Ci, Serial# LCI100001- Up
- 95CW, Serial# CCR100000 - Up
- 95R, Serial# LRI100001- Up
- 95Re, Serial# CCT100000 - Up
- 95Re, Serial# LRE100001-Up
- 95REZ, Serial# CZR100000 - Up
- 95Ri, Serial# CCS100000 - Up
- 95Ri, Serial# CCU100000 - Up
- 95RW, Serial# CCW100000 - Up
- 95Se, Serial# MSU100000 - Up
- C9, C9-0100-03, Serial# CBG100930 - Up
- C9, C9-0100-04, Serial# BCS100000 - UP
- C9, Serial# CBG100000-100730
- Classic, CLSX-0xxx-01, Serial# CLSX100000 - Up
- Club Series, Serial# CSX100000 - Up
- Life Cycle 5000
- Life Cycle 6500 Upright
- Life Cycle 9000
- Life Cycle C3, Upright
- Life Cycle C7i, C7 Upright
- Life Cycle C9i, C9 Upright
- X9i, Serial# AXQ100000 - Up
- X9i, Serial# CXC100000 - Up
- X9i, Serial# CXE100000 - Up
- 95Xi All serial Numbers